The Last Samurai
Tom Cruise and Ken Watanabe are so good in this movie. They have a wonderful chemistry and I think really play off of each other. Let alone for a guy who has so few lines, Hiroyuki Sanada is a presence to be dealt with.

A Military Advisor is taken prisoner by Samurai during a battle and learns that the story presented by those who hired him are not true or are manipulations.
Tom Cruise and Ken Watanabe are so good in this movie. They have a wonderful chemistry and I think really play off of each other. Let alone for a guy who has so few lines, Hiroyuki Sanada is a presence to be dealt with. These three characters and the way they present themselves with their enemies is such a crazy level of detail for hatred and fear, of losing their way of life, that you have to feel the level of stress they are working with. Ken is the real winner in this movie as it is a fantastic, overwhelming, and powerful testament to his skill.
Japan is a beautiful country and this movie really presents it in a great light that you can't ignore. Also the fight scenes are really just outstanding showing the force of each benefits of weaponry for each side and the tactics were outstanding.
I think the story is a bit more of a stretch at times and there really isn't a good presentation of the full time frame the movie takes place, which creates confusion for certain parts of the story. It is a good story, but it could have been great.
My Rating
This is a great movie that I really enjoy rewatching. In fact this movie comes after my 2nd or 3rd in this year and I just realized I never wrote a review. It is an 8 without thinking about it and I don't think anyone would disagree. One of those that needs to be watched.
Parental Rating
My dad is going to approve this, it is an amazing movie that even though it came out in 2003, still stands up today. I also know that he has watched this and likes it. My mom on the other hand doesn't like it. It isn't her cup of tea and there is no family essence to it.