I should get this out of the way, but I laughed a ton during this movie at times I don't think I should. This movie has some SOLID commentary on kids today as well as just scary/AI movies in general. The main actresses did a great job just providing some more realistic actions of what would happen.

After the death of a child's parents, Aunt user a Super AI doll that she was building to help take care of the child. After being provide very ambiguous instructions to the doll, it follows them to the letter of the law, without any parental controls. Aka, it goes ham.
I should get this out of the way, but I laughed a ton during this movie at times I don't think I should. This movie has some SOLID commentary on kids today as well as just scary/AI movies in general. The main actresses did a great job just providing some more realistic actions of what would happen.
The story is pretty one-dimensional, but is well filmed and well presented. It fits the genre well with "Comedy" and "Thriller" with me laughing my ass off and my wife very much being scared. I also think that might be more about the content we consume in regards to movies.
As for the "Thriller" portion of the movie, there are some decent jump scenes. Overall though, the move is EXTREMELY predictable. My wife made the right call during the final scene and I missed it by choosing a plot point early in the film that wasn't ever replayed which is bad writing. (Writing teachers will tell you that if you describe a scene with something on the wall, then that something should be used later. Perfect example of this is the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie when Kira Knightley runs into the dinning room, it shows swords on the walls. She later attempts to use those swords).
On a technical note, I will say that the most common presentation of a AI to the general public is one that follows the "Code" provide explicitly. I.e. Protect this kid and keep it from getting hurt = Kill you and everyone else because you might hurt the kid emotionally and/or physically. If you'd like a really good article about AI that covers 99% of the basics, please go look at Why, But Wait. I read this article years ago and it still hold us today.
Like I said in the beginning, I laughed. I laughed a lot about the commentary of machines and people it was just awesome. I enjoyed it more than I think I should have, so I am giving it a 7.
Parental Rating
Its PG-13. There wasn't a lot of language, there wasn't any sex/nudity scenes, there wasn't anything overly gory for the most part. I think both parents would watch it, but I know for sure my mom has no interest in films like these.