Jessica Jones

Note: I wrote this awhile ago and was trying to do an episode by episode review.


Jessica Jones is a PI that helps people, but is also incredibly strong.


Episode 1 & 2:

I am going to try and remember to leave my notes about what is going on for each episode as I go through it, but I forgot this time. Forgive me.

So Jessica has powers, and she is following a dude who has powers. They have a back story that is rooted in her story, but honestly you have NO CLUE!! It is honestly so annoying especially since I am watching these in 2021 for the first time so I had to go Google 3 or 4 times to make sure I wasn't missing an show/episode from another show to know what the hell is going on! That is probably my chief complaint. With so many shows that happened/were happened/have happened, the amount of gap in her story doesn't honestly make me want to watch more. It make me want to stop because I feel like I am supposed to have read a comic (Which will not happen. They aren't my thing). No show should do that.

About the story so far, she is a PI that is investigating 2 people. The first is Luke Cage. Why? I have no idea (See the above paragraph about gaps in the story), but because I know he exist and also there is a crazy fight scene in Episode 2, I know he is super strong. The other is this missing girl which sets up the crazy story of this mystery dude (Who appears to be played by a Doctor Who actor) who is basically a vampire using charm or whatever each vampire fiction calls that power. I think Skyrim calls it charm so I will stick with that. Anyways, Vampire dude can make people do things and has been making this missing girl do things for him. Episode 2 kinda fills out the story of what he has done, but that is really about it. Missing girl does have a bang of an episode (Its a pun, go watch to find out), but there currently isn't much to her.

Episode 3

Ok honestly, these episodes are so similar that there is no point in doing an episode review. I'll just do a full review at the end.

So far, I am not really enjoying it. The pace is ungodly slow, the story is repetitive at best and just dead to be more accurate.

In this episode, Jessica is looking for surgical anesthetic and her friend gets involved with the case of the girl that we saw in the earlier episodes. We get a sprinkle of more of her back story and by sprinkle I mean a hair of it. One word basically, an accident. Remember, I haven't read the comics, I am not about to read the comics, so I don't know her origin story. I shouldn't have to read the comics to know her origin story. Maybe this is why the show was.... well, we will see.

Episode 4

I know I said no more episode reviews, but this episode HAS 0 PURPOSE!!! Nothing happened. No plot forwarding, not story setup that couldn't be truncated in like a 2 minutes clip in the next episode.

My Rating

I was attempting to do per episode review of this show and Episode 4 killed me. This show has no damn purpose and I was never able to finish it. I have attempted 3 times since writing this over a year ago and no. Its a 4.

Parental Rating

Film Noire is not my parents thing. The show is light on language, sex, and the violence is cartoony so Dad would approve based on the rules. My mom would work to watch it if it were her cup-of-tea but it just isn't there. The family value is limited. With the rules I have for them, Dad approves, Mom rejects, but this show is just too boring for either of them.