

Brad Pitt plays "War Daddy" and leads his tankers to defend a cross road during WWII.


In general military people are vulgar, dumb, brilliant, and downright loyal, but tankers, tankers are another breed and this movie brings that to the surface. Military stereotypes aside, this is one of my favorite movies, and it is the only fiction movie in the Memorial Day movie list we have in the house.

The acting in this movie is really just top notch with a star studded cast that is truly at their peak. I mean dark comedy, fear, love, and sacrifice are just the simplest actions that take place and these 5 people in a tank could show you it all. While individually they are fantastic, together they are what you want in any movie.

The settings are also just something that make you feel you are there. The tanks life, the cities and their people are a breathing thing with the germans hiding, and then there are the stories the settings tell just in visual details. There is one of those scenes that really stands out to me, and that is the Germans that killed themselves before the American's arrived. There is so much information in that dinning room table that you could do a scene study on just that.

The action is also so good. There is individual fire fights, tank fights, and a city take over. You can see the research that was done about individuals in combat as well as the tactics needed for these battles in the scenes that they take place. The writers 100% deserve a bonus and raise for the work they did.

The only real issue I have with this movie is the Deus Ex Machina that happens near the end. Without spoiling, there is just a lot of little things that are prolonged movie that in real life shouldn't. I will say though that these actions do not take away from the movie, they just make the ending that much sweeter.

My Rating

This is a fantastic movie. If you read most of my other reviews, you know that I am pretty critical about the items I read and watch. This is one of the few movies that no matter how many times I watch it, I am really pulled into the story. This is a 9 of a movie that I wish had a prequel, but I know that would probably ruin this one. I just want more.

Parental Rating

Dear baby Jesus is there a lot of gore, violence, and language. Typically this is expected as it is a war movie and usually I try and say that the language is within the realm of normal conversation or something like that. This movie though, is not that. The language is the same as my experience in the military. Course language for the fact that course language is what you have to describe the world around you and being vulgar is just the easiest way to explain it to a bunch of dudes seeing the same things. My mom is out. 100%. My dad, while I know he has watched this movie, he will not watch it unless directly asked by someone in the family. I can vividly remember him getting upset about the language in the movie. Dad is out.