So it is a funny show. Low brow comedy, but fun to watch. If you liked "Mindy" then this is a great show for you. I am thinking back at this show and I remember being relatively bored. There isn't a lot that isn't predicable and just downright sloppy at times.

Arnold plays a CIA agent that is told to track down a lost agent who is stuck working with a the son of a former mark. All of this is happening when his family believes he is a sports equipment sales rep.
So it is a funny show. Low brow comedy, but fun to watch. If you liked "Mindy" then this is a great show for you.
I will admit that there isn't much to this show. It does a really good job of providing comedic relief, but I feel it comes when there really isn't much concern or need for it. So call it a comedy? The fight scenes are very Arnold fight scenes, a little of the top with large swings for the most part. Monica on the other hand is much more fluid, but I feel like her character is written intentionally as a female version of Arnold and it at times feels tedious.
I am thinking back at this show and I remember being relatively bored. There isn't a lot that isn't predicable and just downright sloppy at times. Like I said, it is low brow.
My Rating
I wanted to like this show and in general I was entertained, but could drift mid episode to also just annoyed at some of the stupidity. Plus some of the humor wasn't for me, but my wife enjoyed it so I watched it with her. I give it a 6.
Parental Rating
There is a lot of language, but it is family oriented. The violence is there, but it isn't overly gory. I think because of the general restraint and the family story, both Mom and Dad are in. Approved by both.