Destiny 2
Because of this and us plus over friends in the future playing this game, I want to like it. I really do. I have fond memories playing this game. However, having jumped in with the release of The Final Shape, the story is completely pointless now.

Overly Dramatic Review in One Sentence
A game that had potential until the developer killed it and attempted to bring it back with an outstanding DLC that no one but hard core fans cared about since no one else knew why it mattered.
The Actual Review
NOTE: This review is after the end of The Final Shape Act 1. Will also just talk about both Destiny and Destiny 2.
Game time = 14.7 hours (PC)
1 day 4.15 hours (Destiny 2)
10 days 6 hours (Destiny)
For a game that isn't an MMO, but is a MMO, it has some of the most repeatable gameplay in a series especially for an FPS. Speaking of the FPS gameplay, the gun fighting is solid. The weapons have some really solid differences per class, but nothing that is crazy. The ones that do typically get patched pretty quickly. Even within game to game, the crucible (aka Player-Vs-Player) is awesome. The RPG elements are solid, well at least they used to be.
The RPG elements is where I feel this game has lost itself. There isn't one anymore as you can constantly change your class and perks at will. So everyone runs that “meta” and that is it.
I should say that the raids that I have played, which are limited to the first one pre-DLC of Destiny 2 and Glass Vault, are good. The newer ones from my friend who plays it religiously, are too long and too complex. At 8 hours in, he can die, and the entire raid has to be restarted. While this mechanic has been around from World of Warcraft days, I don't think it is a mechanic that supports the players. Making it more difficult with additional bad guys or additional phases is fine.
Graphics and Sound
For a game that created its own aliens and machines, the sound and design of them is awesome. I have never felt like it was too cartoony or anything like that and really felt that seeing the big versions was so cool the first time.
Story and Characters
This is where this game tanks. The story created in Destiny 1 which moves right into Destiny 2, just fine. I enjoyed it, I understood it, I wanted to know more. Destiny 2 end of the original game prior to DLC is where you lose me. Let alone that I have attempted to go back into the game for ALMOST every single DLC to play with friends that are super into it. The developers' removal of the story line quest from beginning to end has ruined the “Final Shape” DLC story line beats hitting for players like me. I know that the return of certain characters and their sacrifice is going to be super well received. I know that they did a good job with it, but for someone who isn't a die hard player, it's completely pointless. I have no emotional involvement in the final DLC, and they have locked out the previously DLC story lines from the game. So you are stuck. You can watch a video to understand, but it doesn't give the same gripping engagement that you would get if you COULD play all of them.
The characters I don't really have any issues with them. Lance Reddick, who is probably more well known as the Concierge, Charon, in the John Wick movies was such a great voice in these games. The Final Shape DLC is the first without him and knowing who the new voice actor, Keith David (Who I don't really like) is, I can hear him, and I am not as caring towards the character anymore. I feel there was a way for them to kill the character off pretty easily in the DLC, but didn't. Honestly, with how much people love the character, it is fine. Nathan Fillion's character is super likable. Overall, the characters are well done, but I have never really felt any deep care for them as they are just placements in the game.
My Rating
I can tell you that I first played Destiny with by buddy in the Marine barracks in 29 Palms during a school house that we were both at. 3 of us from the same unit would leave class and go to our barracks room and play. For those of you that don't know where 29 Palms is, it is in the middle the desert in California and to get anywhere is at least 30 minutes. So outside the gym, video games is what EVERYONE did. Because of this and us plus over friends in the future playing this game, I want to like it. I really do. I have fond memories playing this game. However, having jumped in with the release of The Final Shape and my new friends being pretty active in the game I thought it would be fun, the story is completely pointless now. The game mechanics that used to make each player different are gone. Finally, there isn't anything to do other than really grind for the end game raids which has no large appeal to me. For this game, I am going to give it to ratings. First “Its worth a playthrough,” as the gameplay is fun. Second, “Not my cup of tea” as it has been shoved into this “If you aren't raiding, you aren't playing” mentality. Having written that statement, this game has to fall into the “Not my cup of tea” for a final rating as I have no desire to go back to it even though I haven't done the most recent raid. I might if they ask, but with games like Star Wars Outlaws and Assassin's Creed Shadows coming out, this game will fall away into dust and I will probably never pick it back up.
Parental Rating
Most of the gameplay is arcade oriented, and you are killing aliens without any gore. While my mom wouldn't like the guns being shot, she wouldn't have said no. My dad would have been ok with it. Might have even attempted to play the game with us if there was split screen. Assuming this game came out when I was 8 or so.
Enjoyment | Story | Gameplay | Sex | Violence/Blood/Gore | Repeatability |
🟨 | 🟥 | 🟩 | 🟩 | 🟩 | 🟨 |
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