American Sniper
Every year I watch a series of movies that are based on true stories of actions taken to secure the freedom that I have and live with every day. This is one of those movies. It is one I watch out side of that time frame as well as it is full of action and a great story.

Follow the Story of Chris Kyle during his time as a Navy SEAL sniper during OIF. Watch him struggle with separating the world he loves with the war that he can understand.
To me and my house, this is a classic. Bradley Cooper's perfect performance. Everyone else was meh, but Bradley was just right on point. One of the issues I have with it is really is the support cast and mainly I think it is with the speaking part extras. There is a scene in the movie where this dude comes up to Chris at an automobile shop and is just super awkward and creepy. Also, he is supposed to have a prosthetic leg and the actor 100% does not. It is just a weird concept. He only has like 100 words so you could have used a legitimate amputee that is younger and no one would have notices. I haven't read the book so the creepiness might be part of the actual interaction, but it just felt wrong in the movie from my perspective. Maybe it was just the actor.
That points us toward the directing, story, and effects. The story is well presented by Clint Eastwood following the book with the same name that this pulls inspiration from. The action is top tier and having been in and worked with people from that era of war, I see the same tactics used that I was taught about house clearing, VBIEDs, and other concepts from the military. I know Clint Eastwood typically takes pride the authenticity of his movies so I don't expect much less.
My Rating
Every year I watch a series of movies that are based on true stories of actions taken to secure the freedom that I have and live with every day. This is one of those movies. It is one I watch out side of that time frame as well as it is full of action and a great story. It is a must watch to see how people interact with depression, survivors guilt, and just a lack of being able to come home to "normal". 8/10.
Parental Rating
Violence and some language with a singular sex scene that is minimal. My dad would and has watched this movie. My mom would watch it only if she were watching it with my Dad or myself. She just wouldn't watch it for herself. For that reason my dad approves, my mom rejects.