Newt is the best character in my opinion from the thumbs up, the empty look in the beginning, and finally the salute. She was great. Also, I think Ripley was a true heroine in this movie with intention rather than just being lucky and in the right place at the right time.

57 years after the Alien is first discovered, the company is at it again until it is "Game over man. Game over."
This movie is a substantial jump as far as entertainment from the first one. The action just keeps you a bit more involved. However, the first half of the movie just stretches the same quiet, foot tapping, slowness the first one does in an effort to present all that will come to this movie.
The first half has so much explanation to due to get the 57 years together, the reason for the colonist to be on the same planet, and finally for them to discover the ship. Honestly, I am not sure why it would have taken this long. As a human race, we want to explore and see what is out there. The family that found the ship was also a group of salvagers so it would be in their best interest to search around. Also, they had been there 20 years so it just seems weird.
Bill Paxton is way more annoying in this movie than I remember him being. I know I quoted him in the beginning of this review, but that was his best line as it is a meme now. Newt is the best character in my opinion from the thumbs up, the empty look in the beginning, and finally the salute. She was great. Also, I think Ripley was a true heroine in this movie with intention rather than just being lucky and in the right place at the right time.
The story is good with some new additions with the aliens changing from just the two in the beginning to like four in this movie. It adds to this universe naturally without feeling forced and that is something great about the older movies as compared to today's movies.
My Rating
While I still feel that this 2 and a half hour long movie is a half hour too long. The fact that at the 4-minute mark before the movie ends there is still action going on which is similar to Alien, is what keeps you invested after the movie is over, looking for more of the universe. I think this could have almost been a perfect movie for the time if it were shorter and had lest establishing shots. Either way, it is still an 8.
Parental Rating
A lot less sexual content as compared to the previous and probably the same amount of language, mostly from Bill Paxton. The story is about saving a girl rather than just themselves which is a nice addition that I think would interest my mom as compared to the previous. This isn't a family movie, but someone working to save a child I think would appear to my mom. If myself or my brothers were watching it, she would watch it with us just to spend time with us. Is it here preference? Absolutely not. It is gross and more of a horror film than she would prefer, mostly just jump scares, but aliens isn't her thing. My dad would and has watched this. Approved by both based on the rules, but my mom would never watch this on her own.
Category | Odin | Mom | Dad |
Language | 🟩 | 🟨 | 🟥 |
Sex | 🟩 | 🟨 | 🟩 |
Entertainment | 🟨 | 🟥 | 🟥 |
Blood/Gore | 🟩 | 🟨 | 🟩 |
Story | 🟩 | 🟨 | 🟨 |
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Movie Name | IMDB Code |
Aliens | tt0090605 |