The Martian

The Book in 1 Sentence

A quick witted Astronaut is left on Mars after an accident and he is attempting to survive till the next mission.... with potatoes.

Brief Review

Andy Weir is masterful in his first novel that writes in small segments of immense imagery. Other than World War Z, I don't know of another book that is told in a log type format. While this is true, for a new reader, that it can be difficult to read and get into. I know, I first read it while stationed overseas in Bahrain where I also read Prince of Thorns.

Why I Read this book

As I said previously, it was recommended to me by an English speaking book store employee in Bahrain along with a couple others. However, this time I read it because I just finished Endurance and it reminded me of this book and was also mentioned or quoted in the book.

In-Depth Review (Favorite Quotes)

This story is powerful and so accurate. In fact it was awarded as one of the most accurate books by NASA. The only real issue with the book is the initial storm can't get that big, but it is still a very scientific book.

Honestly, Watney is so funny and just stupid in his ADHD brain that it really makes me chuckle. Also I completely agree, disco is stupid and how does Aquaman talk to Whales. He talks to fish. Whales are mammals. The rest of the characters are really well written to include the political figurehead of NASA trying to save the bottom line. There is not a person in this that I don't think is so well written. I really like them.

The book and the movie do have a difference in the ending. In fact, they are kind of drastically different to the point that I had forgotten it was different to this degree. Mainly because the last time I read/listened to this book was in 2016/2017 when I had eye surgery and couldn't open my eyes for a weekend so I listened to this and Harry Potter. I think the movie ending is honestly more in line with Watney, but overall they are both great.

One additional note, this is also the first time since I have listened it since Wil Wheaton narrated it since Audible picked up the license. He does a great job and it makes me want to listen to Ready Player One.


This is my second favorite book. It is easily repeatable and enjoyable to
read/listen to. Quick witted, scientific, and emotion filled. This is an easy 9.

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Book Name ISBN Code
The Martian 9780804139038