Nobody (2021)


A man just wants a normal life, until 2 people break into his home and threaten his family. That is when his old life comes to bare. Well, sometimes when one door closes another will open and every choice has a consequence. This is the story of one consequence.


This movie is action packed with a lot of funny and entertaining action sequences. Take your John Wick style action and add a little bit of comedic relief and you have “Nobody”.  Now that I am writing this, and thinking about it, it is basically John Wick with more intentional comedy element. That statement doesn’t take away from what it is. There is the setup for more, but I doubt it would continue and that isn’t because the movie was bad or anything. I just think the story played out the way it should and there is no need for any more story.

My Rating

As for the ratings, I enjoyed it. I’d watch it again when I want something fast paced that I don’t need to pay close attention to follow. This movie isn't anything to write home about, but it is a SOLID movie for entertainment. Easy 8.

Parental Rating

My dad would love it, light on the language, heavy on the action, No sex and the drug use is the same as you’d see on some TV shows, i.e. it is implied and visualized but you don’t see any actual drug. My mom, I think she would watch it, but not enjoy it. There is gore and violence, which isn’t up my mom’s alley, but I know she will watch a movie that has a decent story with my dad, and I think this one does.