Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography

The Book in 1 Sentence

Neil Patrick Harris presents a wonderfully comedic and honest retelling of his career and life.

Brief Review

Neil Patrick Harris is a fantastic story teller. This witty premise for a choose your own story is fantastic change to a normally very direct and forced story presentation. This premise allowed for him to be outstandingly creative. His reading of his own book via Audible is the only way to experience it.

Why I Read this book

It's NPH, why wouldn't I read it?

In-Depth Review

NPH is an amazing actor and his book is 100% his own. I listened to this on Audible and it really is the best way to experience this book. While the choose your own adventure part does get taken from you, he reads all the parts so you don't miss anything and it is a logical format.

Having only ever enjoyed his work, I had no idea about most of his life and I am just so proud of the body of work he has done. His passion, creativity, and love for his craft is highly evident in the projects he has taken on and the way he talks about them.

The way him and his husband David present the story of them meeting is incredibly cute in the back and forth story of additional details that are presented from each person. Speaking of cute things, the way he dotes on his kids especially at the end is wonderful to hear.

I look forward to his work so much more now.


This is a 9. It is funny, witty, serious, sarcastic, over the top, and so much more at the same time. An amazing book. Listen to this on Audible. You will thank me.