Every Tool's a Hammer

The Book in 1 Sentence

Learn stories of what made MythBusters work from the biggest generalist in the maker world.

Brief Review

Adam Savage is a wonderful story teller and his wealth of experience in the design, prop, cosplay industry provides him with a mountain of education that would otherwise be lost to history. He presents some great examples of ways to make your life a little easier in anyway in which you create. Even if you don't create, I highly recommend this book as a way to see things a different way.

Why I Read this book

It is Adam Savage from Mythbusters. Why wouldn't you read this?

In-Depth Review

This isn't the first time I have listen to this book. I listened to it when it came out and felt I wanted to hear it again. I remember there being something special about this book and I was right.

I should explain that a "Maker" is someone who makes things, typically the definition is more gear toward the reproduction of things from pop culture like blaster from Star Wars, Blade Runner, and other things of that nature. However, that isn't the only definition. Adam is a professional maker making things for movies, commercials, and plays.

Adam does a fantastic job of enriching his points with these vivid stories from his life about the things he has made. I mean the Star Wars models alone are amazing. But the points he is working to make are masterful.

While they are titled and presented in the context of a maker, but their lessons are so pivotal if you spend a second thinking about it. For instance, there is a chapter called "Sharing" and it talks about the idea that you should share what you know and are excited so others can learn about from you and the whole community can be lifted up. I think it is this chapter that I listened to in 2020 that really cemented something that I have been working on personally. Maybe even subconsciously these reviews as a way for me to work on a skill that I know needs to improve and these are things I am excited about.

Reviews will say it is "Melodramatic" but if you spent more than five minutes looking into who he is, then you would know that is exactly what you signed up for. However, the passion he has for his craft just pierces through the audible or book and you really can see that he cares.

How my life / behavior / thoughts / ideas have changed as a result of reading the book.

I tried to listen to this book and attempt to apply lessons to my life. I have a laundry list of things I want to do. They are just swimming in my head and I think that might be the biggest thing that I will do. Find a way to put them down in one place so I can look to build something better in my life.


This book is short in comparison to the other books I typically read or listen to, but I think that is a strength for it as you want more and not because you feel there is something missing. The stories are funny and interesting and his writing style is grounded to who he is. This book is a 9 and while I appreciate the grandiose stories, I can see how they are sometimes too much. I would read another book by him.