Cherry (2021)


Cherry is the story of a drug addict telling his story of pre-drugs to post-drugs and all that goes with it. From falling in love, to falling in line, to losing friends, to falling from grace.


Cherry was Fan-freakin-tastic. Tom Holland was amazing. That is your TLDR.

The cinematography, music, atmosphere was great. In time where the action was high, I felt like moving. The war scenes hit super close to home as they were pretty much dead on to the emotions and feel of that environment. When the story has shifted into the drug addiction, you feel antsy and unable to sit still. There is no peace.

This is Tom Holland at his best. He is the perfect Spider-man, but that role has nothing on this. You constantly want to through things at him and will cheer when things go right. Also, I should mention that it was done with the Russo Brothers. You know, the MCU guys, they are in here.

It is rated “R” for VERY good reasons. Drugs, Sex, Alcohol, blood, gore, language, and probably more that I missed.

My Rating

I truly enjoyed this movie. Tom Holland, for a lack of being a veteran, did a great job in presenting PTSD and post Iraq/Afghanistan war. Solid 8. Please, go watch this. It is 2.5 hours of an enjoyable movie.

Parental Rating

So would my Mom watch it? HELL NO. Would my dad watch it? If it were not for the language, I think he would, but there is just way too much of it.