A Simple Favor (2018)


Anna K.'s character plays a single mom who runs a non-youtube youtube channel. She is the super class mom and when she finally meets Blake's character, she gets a new friend. Well friend goes missing and this is the story of Anna attempting to figure out what happened


What a weirdly unpredictable predictable movie. I know that makes no sense, but you could see some of the larger plot points coming, but how they brought them forward was super out of the ordinary.

There are some plot issues with this story in general in my prospective. Specifically, Anna and Blake’s relationship feels completely against what you’d expect and develops movie fast. Within 5 days of hanging out, they are sharing their darkest secrets and then goes missing. It just seems off.

The movie is dark in its humor and its story telling, but funny. The kids have some wonderful one-liners that make you crack up which helps take away from the sociopathic character issues with both of the characters. Completely worth the watch for sure.

My Rating

Anna and Blake are SUPERB, but overall, it is an almost Lifetime movie in its story telling. Worth the watch, but there are better movies out there.

Parental Rating

Mom might be a little weirded out about some of it, it is not a family movie, but I think that she'd enjoy the story. I know she has listened to some more racy audiobooks. It is outside Dad’s typical movie choice and for that I think unless my Mom asked him to watch it with her, he’d pass on it.